Tkatchev Levering Drill

Levering is a concept that has helped a ton of kids figure out how to create better rotation and counter-rotation in their skills. We have used this levering action to help our athletes for Maloney and Maloney Halves for a while now.

In a spark of inspiration, we decided to adapt it to the Tkatchev and man do I really like this version.

1. The core control and tension required to do the first half lever up is crucial for rotation off the bar.
2. The sit over the hips with no V-up is a great practice for what is absolutely necessary for a quality Tkatchev.
3. The last version with the straddle swim through is effective to mimic the final turnover action.

This is probably the easiest spot for coaches and doesn’t require massive muscles and strength. It doesn’t even require you to be super quick and coordinated. It is a simple levering of the feet which can be performed by anyone!

We always look for ways to help everyone and not just the “big strong man coaches”… We hope that this can help you and your athletes create their Best Darn Gymnastics!