Great Conditioning Station! Really watch for and explain the stability of the core through this exercise. Most often, you will
Best focus on wall handstands – Try to make sure the body is stacked completely on top of the wrists!
Flyaway Lifters/Timers are incredibly important for teaching flipping dismounts. The concept is based on the athletes learning that when they
Great drill for working full body strength and coordination. The end range of the extension requires a great deal of
Great way to teach the long shape change between a loaded/coiled position and the extended stretch. This uncoil process needs
I posted a similar Pak Salto drill a month or two ago… but wanted to share the coach spotted version
Tap swings and flyaway timers are incredibly important for building long-term quality dismounts. It is our job to create an
Coach or Partner assisted shape changes are a good way to help athletes understand the large movements that many skills
Toe point is crucial for creating a beautiful line in gymnastics. Flexed feet draw the eye and create deductions in
Clearhips are challenging! The drop is the biggest factor for driving success of the skill. Most athletes want to keep