Best Darn Uneven Bar Coaches Clinic


The Best Darn Uneven Bar Coaches Clinic is a great opportunity to network with other knowledge hungry professionals. It will provide you with engaging content that will help you take your bar program to new heights.

There will be approximately 7 hours of lecture and 6 hours of gym time for hands-on and practical application.

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We offer two tracks for the clinic, the Developmental Track and the Advanced Track.

Enrique Trabanino will be handling the Developmental Track and Brett Wargo will be teaching the Advanced Track. Devo Track covers the core fundamental skills that need to be taught at the lower levels to transition into great upper level skill development. The Advanced Track is geared towards level 9 and 10 skills (Single bar releases, low to high flights, high to low flights, and dismounts).

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West Chester, OH (June 15), Auburn, WA (Aug 22)

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